For corporate businesses, litigation financing and insurance provides an off-balance sheet solution that can relieve pressure on legal budgets. Irrespective of the size of the organisation, obtaining budget certainty over external legal fees is a continuous challenge for in-house legal departments and financial controllers.

A variety of highly bespoke funding and insurance models exist that are specifically geared towards corporate businesses. Speak to one of our brokers about what options exist for your case.

At TheJudge, we seek to understand the needs and drivers of all our corporate clients. We do not subscribe to the notion still held by a narrowing pool of large law firms that corporate clients ‘have deep pockets and are not interested in hedging litigation cost risk’. In the majority of examples where we have been told this, it’s the lack of the lawyer’s understanding of the funding market which prohibits a clearer picture being painted for the corporate client.

While, unquestionably, some businesses will prefer to self-finance their litigation, we equally recognise that others are keen to add certainty to their legal budgeting and that, if the terms are sufficiently attractive, they will engage in alternative fee arrangements. We can say this with some confidence, having arranged highly bespoke litigation funding facilities for some of the world’s largest software, pharmaceutical, telecommunication and transportation businesses.

To read our article on available funding options for in-house legal departments in “Inside Counsel” magazine, click here or if you would like to speak to one of our brokers about how litigation financing can assist your business, don’t hesitate to get in touch.

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